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Why is my content under review?

There are a few reasons why a promotion may be held back under review, including:

  • Terms under analysis: some specific terms are analyzed in order to prevent any rules from being broken. If any of these words are in the publication sent, it will be analyzed to be verified and then approved or rejected.
  • User under review: Some users have all of their content sent for review. This can occur for a few reasons, as we explain in this article.
  • Store under review: when a store is under review, all content must be checked by Team Promoninja before being published.
  • Duplicate promotion: when the system identifies a duplicate promotion, it is sent for analysis to be verified.

After analysis, the promotion can be approved or rejected.

In which cases can a comment be analyzed?

Some comments, when published, are retained for analysis. This can occur for a few reasons, including:

  • Terms under analysis: some specific terms are analyzed in order to prevent any rule from being broken. If any of these words are in the comment sent, it will be analyzed to check the context and then be approved or rejected.
  • User under review: Some users have all comments sent for review. This can occur for a few reasons, as we explain in this article.

After analysis, the comment can be approved or rejected.