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What can be considered offensive content?

Promoninja is a platform that believes in freedom of expression. We recognize that our team's mission is to ensure that the platform is a place where all users feel comfortable interacting with the community and that no one feels repressed or hopeless. For this reason, we are always willing to deal with conflictual actions on Promoninja. Therefore, any comment that promotes and supports any attack, disrespect or violence towards a specific user, a specific group of people or the entire community may be considered offensive.

Why are offensive comments deleted?

Promoninja is a collaborative and harmonious platform. Offensive comments can generate friction or negative discussion among users, in addition to violating the site's Code of Conduct. Therefore, we have removed them to ensure our community is a welcoming and enjoyable space for everyone

I was offended by another user. What to do?

If you have been offended by another user, please refrain from continuing the discussion. Report the offensive comment directed at you and, after analyzing the reported content, the appropriate measures will be taken.

I found a discussion among users. What to do?

It is important that any discussions are reported, as this makes it possible for the Community Team to make specific interventions on topics, avoiding the continuation of conflicts. As reference above when reporting a comment.

Possibilities for action in light of the reported content:

  • If there is no aspect that configures or enhances a discussion in the reported content, it will remain active on the platform.
  • If the comment is considered offensive, it will be immediately deleted from the platform and the Team will contact the owner of the content, explaining the reason for the intervention.
  • If the user whose comment was reported shows recurring troll behavior, their profile will be analyzed for a certain period.
  • It is important to mention that it is up to Team Promoninja to evaluate each case and reach a conclusion on what action to take in light of the reported situation.
  • If the user whose comment was reported shows recurring troll behavior, their profile will be analyzed for a certain period.

Who has access to the information in the report?

No one other than Team Promoninja has access to what is said in the reports, the name of the user who reported it or any other data contained in the report. We guarantee absolute confidentiality of the information contained in this process in order to preserve the identity of the user who contacted the Team.

My comment was deleted as offensive and I do not agree. What to do?

Our goal is to ensure fair decisions are made. Therefore, if the user believes that their content has been erroneously deleted, they can request a review by sending a request to Team Promoninja for further clarification.