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General Combinations

always aiming for a harmonious and healthy community for everyone.

Sending publications in which the author of the post directly benefits can be considered self-promotional behavior. This practice can cause competitiveness among users, making Promoninja no longer a healthy and harmonious environment, in addition to facilitating the appearance of false promotions and visually polluting the platform, which is why self-promotion is not allowed.

Why was my content flagged as self-promotion?

Below, we list the main reasons for a promotion, coupon or comment to be identified as self-promotion.


  • The author of the post is benefiting through affiliate or referral links;
  • A relationship between the store and the user was identified. Examples: store employee, user name equal to the store, etc.;
  • It was identified through data analysis and internal identification;


  • The author of the post is benefiting through the coupon code, giving him benefits;
  • A relationship between the store and the user was identified. Examples: store employee, user name equal to the store, etc.;
  • It is a coupon from a digital influencer and this is benefiting its owner, a third person;
  • It was identified through data analysis and internal identification;


  • Because it contained a quote from a coupon that benefits the author or a third person;
  • Because it contained a citation to a shortened link, which, in addition to being dangerous for the community (links from untrustworthy sites), may contain dissemination of referenced links, self-promotion, etc.;
  • An image that benefits the author or a third person;

Shortened link:

Shortened links are often a means of self-promotion, and they may contain a malicious URL that is harmful to users in some way. Therefore, if possible, open the link sent and post the original, in full, without being shortened.

> If you believe that the promotion you sent complies with Promoninja's rules and was incorrectly deleted, please contact us and request a review of your publication.

Competing platforms are those that offer the same service as Promoninja or that compete for the same commission, as they reach the same target audience. When we allow these platforms to be promoted on Promoninja, we lose resources that could be used for community development.

Who are Promoninja's main competitors?

Promotion sites: platforms that, like Promoninja, publish promotions from different stores, sent by their users.

External communication platforms: In addition to having the potential to compete directly with Promoninja, it is not permitted to mention or disclose group links, cell phone numbers, social networks, emails or any other platforms, considering that it is not possible to attest to the reliability of these groups and/or applications and the veracity of the promotions published by them.

Cashback platforms: rewards system in which it is possible to receive part of the value of your purchase back. There are several ways this reimbursement can happen, such as in the form of a bonus to be used on the next purchase, balance in an account to pay bills or even as cash, in a current account.

> If you believe that the promotion you sent complies with Promoninja's rules and was incorrectly deleted, please contact us and request a review of your publication.

You can let the community know if you find a promotion on Promoninja that isn't so good: use the cold vote tool or report it to the Community Team, such as: "it's not a promotion".

Report as: Not a promotion

When you find a promotion that you consider bad and want the Community Team to evaluate it, report it by following the steps below:

  • Enter the promotion you want to report;
  • Click on the top three balls on the left;
  • Select the option: Not a promotion;
  • The Community Team will evaluate and close the promotion if it is not really useful for the community.

When can I use this report?

  • When there is a cheaper product in another store;
  • When the product is above the average market price;
  • When the product presented is an attempt to troll the community;

Cold vote

Cold voting is a tool developed so you can express your opinion about the value of a promotion. The intention is for you to warn the community that that product is not at a legal price. Good promotions tend to have high temperatures, whereas promotions with above-average prices tend to have low temperatures.

  • To vote cold, just click on the snowflake icon, it is available in all promotions.

When should I use cold voting?

Use cold voting wisely, it is a thermometer to monitor product prices and should not be used with an ideological bias, for example, voting cold when you just don't like a certain product or category. Vote cold when you don't agree with the price presented in the promotion.

Our community is open to all types of products and categories.

To avoid overloading Promoninja with promotions that are no longer valid, we automatically expire all promotions that are active for more than 30 days.

If your promotion is still active after 30 days, at the same price and with the product in stock, please resend the promotion so that we can reevaluate it and publish it again.

Check out some tips to check if the promotion is still active:

  • Open the promotion link in the anonymous tab;
  • Add the product to the shopping cart and check if stock is available for your address;
  • Test the link in different browsers;
  • Have another user test the link and product in the shopping cart.

Our Team realized that publishing several coupons in a single promotion could make it difficult for users to actively search for the best promotions with the code, through the search bar, and also make it difficult for the Community Team to search for possible duplicate coupons on Promoninja.

Additionally, the coupons sent may have different rules and discounts. When all of these are published together, some users may be confused about the use of vouchers.

We want to make it easier for all users to see the coupon and we believe that publishing one coupon per promotion is the best format. It was with a view to improving this visualization that we created a new page for coupons so that it is possible to find all active codes for a store at once!

When we checked the promotion sent, we found that it is no longer available. This may have happened because there is no stock of the product or because the price has changed.

The promotion is still available to me. What should I do?

When sending a promotion, it is important to include all information about how you managed to reach the indicated price in the description of the publication so that we can check whether it is actually available.

Don't forget to inform if you used a coupon, if the price is only available through the store's app, if the promotion is only valid for some locations, if only subscribers to a certain service have access to the promotion or any other means that made it possible to reduce the price. price of the product.

Check out some tips to check if the promotion is still active:

  • Open the promotion link in the anonymous tab
  • Add the product to the shopping cart and check if stock is available for your address
  • Test the link on different browsers
  • Have another user test the link and product in the shopping cart

If the product is actually available after these checks, please resend the promotion so we can reevaluate it.

We consider a promotion incomplete when we notice the absence of essential information in the post, such as:

  • Product or selection link (Attention! For the promotion to be easily identified by Team Promoninja and the Community, it is important that the link sent corresponds exactly to the product and not to the website's home page, for example);
  • Item specification and other important references;
  • Price (the price must be clearly stated, including special payment conditions).

Why cannot incomplete promotions be accepted?

Promotion information is important so that moderators and users understand what it is about, what the conditions are for getting the discount, among other complements that facilitate understanding.

What to do in cases like this?

If your promotion is declined for this reason, you can resubmit the post with all the necessary information.

When resubmitting the promotion, be sure to include the following information:

  • Full title of the promotion: The title must be clear and precise, and must inform the product or promotional selection;
  • Direct link to the product or promotional selection: The link must lead directly to the product or promotional selection page, and not to the website's home page.
  • Promotional price: The price must be stated clearly and precisely.
  • Conditions for taking advantage of the promotion: For example, if the promotion is only valid for new customers or if it is necessary to use a coupon.
  • Other relevant information: Information such as brand, model, size, color, etc., is important so that users can easily identify the product.

By including this information, you'll help users better understand your promotion and make an informed decision about whether they want to take advantage of the offer.

Promoninja is a collaborative community open to discussions and it is important to highlight that all Promoninja users can and should have a political position, but Promoninja is not a suitable space to discuss this topic. Political promotions and comments are prohibited on our website as they deviate from our purpose: helping each other save money and make better purchasing decisions.

Publications of this type generate friction between users and make our environment less pleasant and often do not contribute to enriching the discussion or have ulterior motives in their sharing. Published comments and promotions must not contain hateful messages towards politicians and parties, ongoing wars and conflicts, territorial disputes and political symbols.

Can I publish ebooks or books of a political nature?

At the moment, only promotions for ebooks and political books that have academic recognition, are by renowned authors and do not have exclusively provocative content are accepted.

The Community Team reserves the right to judge whether the publication is accepted completely, under special conditions (such as having comments completely disabled since publication) or rejected.


  • Authors such as Marx, Mises, Weber, among others, have texts that are political or that touch on subjects that can generate a political discussion, but they are authors that are studied and are part of the syllabus of many courses. Therefore, a promotion can help a student in these areas to save money.
  • Fiction books that permeate political issues can be accepted, and it is up to Team Promoninja to check whether any action is necessary to avoid friction in the community.

According to our Code of Conduct, we do not accept spam from promotions or topics that have third-party intentions other than helping users save money. Here at Promoninja, we believe it is our duty to maintain the platform collaborative and harmonious for everyone. This type of behavior can generate mass discussions and reports and, unfortunately, does not help the community and is not accepted for these reasons.

What is considered promotional spam?

  • Several promotions from the same store/marketplace sent in bulk
  • A large number of promotions for a specific product type sent in a short space of time
  • Shots of promotions in a short space of time by the same author
  • Several posts linked to current news, where the intention is to cause laughter or offense
  • Troll promotions, that is, promotions that can generate offensive discussions and comments. Examples: team shirts in specific situations (defeats, relegation), products with exorbitant prices, products with controversial themes, etc.

What happens if this policy is violated?

  • Deletion of spammed promotions;
  • The user will be notified;
  • If the spam persists, the user will be monitored;

Promoninja is a website for sharing promotions and the selection of stores is made carefully in order to avoid as much as possible that users have problems before, during and after the purchase, in other words: promotions from stores that may offer some type of risk to the Community.

Why was my promotion deleted?

Promotions from stores that do not meet the criteria required by Promoninja will not be accepted. Some of the reasons that may lead to the exclusion of a publication due to an unregistered Store are:

Not enough data was found to evaluate the store in question.

Enough data about the store was found, but the data indicates that the store is not trustworthy.

Data about the store was found, but not enough to guarantee that it is a trustworthy store.

Your product may not have been accepted for one of the reasons below:

  • Product with low relevance to the community;
  • Product identified as troll;
  • There is a cheaper product in another store;

I submitted a product and it was considered to be of low relevance to the community. Why?

Due to the large number of promotions, mainly from foreign stores, we defined some criteria to only publish promotions that are relevant to the community. This way, we make the feed more pleasant to browse.

The criteria used by the team to check these products are:

  • Homologation of electronic products by Anatel: To ensure the safety and compliance of electronic products, we require that items be duly approved by the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel);
  • Import cost-benefit: We evaluate the cost-benefit of imports, considering customs fees and other charges, to ensure that promotions offer real benefits to users.
  • Products with explicit or non-explicit sexual connotations: Products with explicit or implicit sexual connotations will not be accepted, in order to maintain a respectful and appropriate environment for all members of the community.
  • Accessories for exotic animals: Products intended for exotic animals will not be accepted, aiming to meet the needs and interests of the majority of users.
  • Spam control: Mass sending of low relevance products, even if coming from different users, will be considered spam and will not be allowed.
  • Price history: Products that have been cheaper in the last 30 days will not be accepted, ensuring that promotions represent true opportunities for users.

▸ Stores and products that may not be accepted on Promoninja

In order to make the feed cleaner and easier to access, we do everything we can to prevent the site from having duplicate promotions. Therefore, when a publication is sent containing the same product, with the same value, offered by the same store and under the same purchasing conditions as another publication that has already been previously posted on Promoninja, it will not be accepted.

When two promotions are repeated, which one takes priority?

The promotion that was sent first has priority, even if the difference between them is a few seconds, minutes, hours or days. It is important to note that changing the price in an old publication will also be subject to time criteria. If a promotion was published 3 days ago and it is cheaper today, it will only be active with the new price if it was changed before sending a new publication with the current price. If the promotion changes after sending a new publication, it will be deactivated and the most recent one will remain active.

I searched for the product on Promoninja and couldn't find it. Why?

There are two reasons why you may not find an already published product when searching on Promoninja:

  • If it is a promotion that is likely to be sent by several people at the same time, such as a coupon sent by push from an application, it may be that someone sent it first, but the publication was under review and, for this reason, it was not active on the website. Still peeling. In this case, the one sent first will have priority, with the rest being repeated merged with it.
  • It may be that the search performed did not return the product due to the terms used in the search. Check out a tip below on how to find promotions on Promoninja more easily:

In which case are repeated publications not considered?

When the product and price are the same, but the product was published in another store, none of the promotions are deleted, as the payment and shipping conditions may be different. Both will remain active on Promoninja.

For a store to be on Promoninja it needs to have a high degree of reliability. We have our own criteria for accepting a store on the platform and one of the main indicators we consider are good reviews on platforms, such as:

  • Reclame Aqui: we evaluate store rates based on the last 12 months within this platform. The minimum acceptable for advertising and registering a store on Promoninja is a regular reputation. We emphasize that the store must have at least 50 complaints on Reclame Aqui to be considered in this criterion.
  • on this website we do not evaluate the number of complaints, but rather the company's response and resolution time. Therefore, our team analyzes and accepts stores that have a solution rate greater than 60%.
  • Trustpilot: we use this site to review international stores. We accept stores that have a good index.

We also accept stores linked to big brands, such as official football team stores, e.g.: ShopTimão, Loja do Cruzeiro, Shop Vasco, etc.

If your store meets these requirements, we ask that you send an email to [email protected] so our team can analyze it.

It is important to highlight that we consider any disclosure of promotions from stores or marketplaces affiliated to the user as self-promotion. Disclosures for personal gain go against Promoninja's Code of Conduct and this may result in infractions or even banning from our platform.

The coupon sent, when tested, did not work. This occurred for one of the reasons below:

  • The coupon is out of validity period;
  • The coupon has reached the limit of uses;
  • The coupon is invalid: it may have been entered incorrectly or
  • The coupon is non-existent.

How do I know if the coupon is still working?

To know if a coupon is still active, it is important to test it. To do this, check if you can still insert it into the shopping cart for any product on the website or in the selection to which it is applicable.

Why is it important to test the coupon before sending it to Promoninja?

Before sending a coupon to Promoninja, it is important to test it to ensure that it is working correctly, as this way we will be sure that all active coupons on our platform are applicable and will be useful for users who want to take advantage of it while it is valid.

I tested the coupon and it is still working. What to do?

When sending a coupon, it is important to know its application rules. In the description of the publication, insert the coupon specifications, such as: who can use it, what is the validity period, which products it applies to, etc. If the information is complete and, when we test it, it does not work, we will understand that it is intended for a specific group of people or that it only works in some circumstances.

We suggest you resend the coupon in the following cases:

  • The coupon only applies to certain products: in this case, resend the coupon indicating which products it is applicable to.
  • The coupon only works for selected users: it is important to mention in the title which users the voucher is valid for, for example: [SP] 50% OFF on the entire site. In this case, the coupon is only suitable for residents of São Paulo.
  • The coupon is valid for the first purchase: in this case, not all users will be able to use it. Therefore, it is important to inform in the title of the coupon that it is only valid on the first purchase, for example: 50% OFF on the first purchase.

> If you believe that the coupon you sent complies with Promoninja's rules and was incorrectly deleted, please contact us and request a review of your publication.

Promoninja is a promotions sharing community. For this reason, we always analyze course and workshop posts to ensure that they are not just advertisements, but that they are actually helping our community save money.

What criteria are used to approve a course?

  • Price: as well as product promotions, we check whether the courses sent have any discounts.
  • Relevance: it is important that the course theme is relevant to the community, thus avoiding very specific themes, preventing the majority of users from taking advantage of it.
  • Reliability of the offering institution: we always check the origin of the course to ensure that users are safe.

Due to the large number of ebooks recently published on Promoninja, we began to analyze the posts of these products individually. We only approve those that are truly relevant to the community. This way, we make the feed cleaner, resolve flooding problems and complaints from users regarding this topic.

What criteria are considered when evaluating ebooks?

When evaluating an ebook, we consider criteria such as: the quality of the ebook, the relevance of the topic to the community, the link of the material to a publisher, reviews on the website, the language in which it was published, among others.

Other information:

  • As with other promotions, self-authored ebooks, constituting self-promotion, will not be approved.
  • It is important to mention that public domain books/ebooks are accepted in any form on Promoninja, as long as the topic does not violate any Promoninja rules.
  • Books of a political nature will undergo the same analysis as other publications with this theme. However, those that fall into the category "books by philosophers, sociologists and intellectuals in the human sciences" may be approved as they are promotions aimed at students in related areas. Check here the guidelines on political publications.

Some of the criteria used are: the actual validity of the bug, the possibility of the purchase being honored, whether it is a marketplace or not, the number of products in stock, among others.

Some stores or marketplaces undergo analysis when they show any indication of unreliability, that is, when they may pose a risk to our users.

When this happens, we begin to analyze the publications of these stores and marketplaces even more carefully and do not approve promotions from them until we can guarantee that they are reliable.

Click here to find out if a store is trustworthy and can be accepted on Promoninja.

We do not accept indications or mentions of any type of piracy, illegal systems or techniques to circumvent restrictions on websites. This type of content can generate confusion in the community and in some cases, problems with user accounts on services.

Your publication may be rejected if one of the following items is included in it:

  • VPN: It is not permitted to indicate any use of VPN in posts to circumvent any type of restriction. VPNs need to go through a company's server and, often, free and cheap VPNs do not use reliable services. We accept promotions from VPNs that have a good reputation on TrustPilot.
  • Piracy/way of circumventing the system: mentions and encouragement of the use of piracy and ways of circumventing systems to take advantage of some kind are prohibited. Cases of piracy that may appear: indications of websites, forums, IPTV lists, torrents, where it is possible to download paid content illegally and free of charge.
  • Other possibilities: promotions that contain methods to circumvent systems such as CPF generators, fake GPS to activate a promotion, operating system emulators to create multiple accounts on websites and apps will also be disapproved.

I posted a promotion for a game that requires a VPN to work and it was not accepted. Why?

In the case of games, in addition to the issue of unreliable VPNs mentioned above, platforms such as Epic, Steam, Ubisoft and others can ban the user's account and IP if illegal sales are detected through accounts not linked to the country of origin. Therefore, it is important to prevent our users from being harmed by this practice.

> If you believe that the promotion you sent complies with Promoninja's rules and was incorrectly deleted, please contact us and request a review of your publication.

At Promoninja, only promotions from physical stores offered by large retailers or stores with certain national recognition are accepted. This way, we guarantee that a larger portion of Promoninja users can benefit from the promotion sent, not just a select group that has access to the indicated physical store.

▸ Content under analysis

Promoninja, as a platform committed to freedom of expression, believes in the importance of allowing each member of the community to feel free to interact and share their opinions. However, to preserve this positive atmosphere, we are alert to conflictual actions and ready to deal with them. Any comment that promotes attacks, disrespect or violence, directed at a specific user, a group of people or the community as a whole, will not be allowed. This stance aims to ensure that freedom of expression is exercised responsibly, in addition to protecting the identity and emotional well-being of users.

I felt threatened or embarrassed by another user. What to do?

If you have been threatened or embarrassed by another user, avoid continuing the discussion. Report the comment directed at you and, after analyzing the reported content, the appropriate action will be taken.

I found a discussion among users. What to do?

It is important that any discussions are reported, as this makes it possible for the Community Team to make specific interventions on topics, avoiding the continuation of conflicts.

Possibilities for action in light of the reported content:

  • If there is no aspect that constitutes or enhances a threat or embarrassment in the reported content, it will remain active on the platform.
  • Users involved in the discussion may be notified by moderation so that the situation can be analyzed further.
  • If the comment is considered a threat or attempt to embarrass you, it will be immediately deleted from the platform.
  • If the user whose comment was reported shows recurring troll behavior, their profile will be analyzed for an indefinite period.
  • It is important to mention that it is up to Team Promoninja to evaluate each case and reach a conclusion on what action to take in light of the reported situation.

Who has access to the information in the report?

No one other than Team Promoninja has access to what is said in the reports, the name of the user who reported it or any other data contained in the report. We guarantee absolute confidentiality of the information contained in this process in order to preserve the user's identity.

Thinking about the safety of our users, it is not allowed to mention or disclose group links, cell phone numbers or any other communication platform external to Promoninja, considering that it is not possible to attest to the reliability of these groups and/or applications.