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Hate speech guidelines

Promoninja is a collaborative platform for sharing promotions where people have the opportunity to come together to talk about their interests and shopping experiences. For us it is essential that all users are able to express themselves on Promoninja, but for this it is very important that everyone has space to speak.

We support freedom of expression, but we do not tolerate any conduct that encourages or encourages hatred, or harassment in any way. We believe that there are many situations in which behavior and speech can be interpreted as offensive. It is our duty to protect community users from any hateful behavior and any type of harassment.

Therefore, when reviewing reported content, intent and context will also be considered. To better clarify this policy and how Promoninja will be analyzed in the face of hateful and harassing conduct, we provide further details below.

Hateful conduct

Hateful conduct is any and all content or behavior that encourages or facilitates discrimination, objectification, violence or harassment based on: disability or serious medical condition, race, ethnicity or national origin, sexual orientation, age, sex, gender, gender identity or religion .

The intent and context of the comment or reported activity will be considered, but hateful conduct is a violation of the zero tolerance rules and we will take all necessary measures in these situations, including suspending the accounts involved indefinitely.


Harassment is any and all content or activity that attempts to intimidate, abuse or creates a hostile environment for other people, and is prohibited on Promoninja. Just like hateful conduct, Promoninja considers the intent, context and impact of any content reported as harassment and depending on the severity, harassers may be suspended indefinitely for the first violation.

Some activities considered harassment are:

  • Bullying - such as repetitive insults or attempts to embarrass someone, with the intention of offending;
  • Telling someone to hurt or kill themselves;
  • Create accounts dedicated to committing acts of harassment or hate;
  • Making unwanted sexual advances;
  • Committing sexual harassment or sexual bullying;
  • Incite or encourage others to commit harassment;
  • Reporting hateful or harassing content on Promoninja

Reporting hateful or harassing content on Promoninja

We recognize that our team's mission is to ensure that the platform is a place where all users feel comfortable interacting with the community and that no one feels repressed or disrespected. For this reason, we are always willing to deal with conflictual actions on Promoninja.

How to report a promotion?

Anyone can report a promotion that does not meet Promoninja's community standards.

For that:

  1. Click Report at the bottom of the promotion
  2. Select the “Spam/Offensive” option or
  3. f you prefer, use the text box below “Report for another reason” to inform us and provide more details about the reported topic

How to report a comment?

The comments space is very useful for discussing the quality of products and services provided. Therefore, comments should contribute to this healthy discussion.

  1. Click Report
  2. Select the “Spam/Offensive” option or
  3. If you prefer, use the text box below “Report for another reason” to inform us and provide more details about the reported topic

What happens after submitting the report?

After submission, your report will be sent directly for analysis. We will evaluate the promotion, comment and/or discussion, and take the necessary measures for the situation.

Punitive measures

Remedial measures may vary depending on the severity of the user's action.

If our team concludes that the user is violating any of the community policies, the post or comment will be removed and we will send a notification or email explaining which rules were violated.

If the user persists in violating the Code of Conduct and Promoninja's new guidelines, our team will apply the following measures:

  1. Account in moderation: all promotions and comments from the person will have to be analyzed and approved by moderation.
  2. Temporary suspension: the user will be banned for a period determined by our team.
  3. Permanent suspension: serious offenses (e.g. threats, intimidation and publication of other individuals' personal information) may result in permanent account suspension without prior notice.Our goal is to ensure fair decisions are made. Therefore, if the user believes that their content has been wrongly deleted, they can request a review.